Look what I found!

Anyone remember when Romance Trading Cards were the thing? I ordered a bunch and gave about 600 sets away… but I have lots more. But now, I have new covers for all these books, so let’s call the old ones vintage. Collectible? Whatever you call them, I...

Just Breathe

Me today… via GIPHY Note to self: stay off of FB. You know it scares you and yet, you persist. Stay. Off. Of. FB.

I Took The Weekend Off

Captain’s Log: We took the weekend off. Unplugged. We don’t watch the news anyway, but it was really nice to stay away from social media for a few days and work around the house. Happy to report that the yard is shaping up for spring. We’ve detailed...

Re-examining My Why

Photo by Ylanite Koppens from Pexels I tell you, there are some days where I just want to close my computer and be done with this writing business. But I’m stubborn. And yet, it feels, more often than not, like an uphill trudge through quicksand with an...

Happy New Year

Dear Reader, I’m wishing you a happy, safe, wonderful new year. I hope 2020 is filled with amazing books and that your dreams come true. Best, Selena

I missed the HubBub…

I missed the initial hubbub when TV Anchor Lara Spencer made a rather insensitive comment about Prince George taking ballet classes. This isn’t book-related, but it’s people related and people are at the center of my books. I’m impressed with her...

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