Life Tip: Build Cleanup Time into your Project

I’m so bad about this you guys. This is not really reading or writing related, but it’s changed my life and I wanted to share with you. I’ll plan a project (say building a table or organizing my office or even just vacuuming a carpet) and I’ll...

Which supernatural power do you want?

Have you ever thought about what supernatural power you wish you had? As paranormal romance authors, we spend a lot of time thinking and writing about all sorts of powers and abilities. Like, probably more than we’d like to admit. So, just for kicks, we thought we’d...

Planner Peeps: Get Your Eraseable Pens

I guess you don’t technically need to be a planner person to enjoy these pens, but if you’re anything like me, plans change. I like using these erasable pens in my planner so I don’t have to smother things in White Out. Check ’em out....

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Have you ever heard a song that resonates with you? Like deep down, you find yourself humming it for the rest of the week kind of resonates? Or, maybe you listen to it on repeat? I used to do this a lot in my teen years. Okay, I still do it. This week’s song is...

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