I missed the initial hubbub when TV Anchor Lara Spencer made a rather insensitive comment about Prince George taking ballet classes.

This isn’t book-related, but it’s people related and people are at the center of my books. I’m impressed with her ability to admit she goofed, to apologize, to shine a positive light on a situation, and to give an under-served community a voice.

In my opinion, it takes strong character to admit you’re wrong. And at the end of the day, I’d like to think we’re all trying to be the best we can be, do the best we can.

This is a touching interview between Lara and three male dancers that I hope many people can learn from. https://www.fatherly.com/…/tv-anchor-apologies-after-publi…/

This is important to me because it’s not just ballet that gets mocked. It’s the way people dress or the books they read or the way they style their hair.

There are plenty of areas in my life where I’ll tell myself “toughen up. No one owes you anything.” And that makes me want to be kinder, more generous. I want good vibes in my life. High vibes. I want to surround myself with good people who are trying to live their best life and who have no time or energy to tear others down.

Lara made one comment.

And that one comment could have ruined a little boy’s dream.

Swap out ballet for something else. Does it matter what his dream is? Why would you want to squash it?

Anyway. Long story short. We all mess up from time to time. Make it right. Offer forgiveness. Give yourself grace.

Let’s build each other up.

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