Wallbanger (Cocktail, #1)Wallbanger by Alice Clayton
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

First of all, note that I don’t give many five star reviews. It takes a special book to get a five star rating from yours truly and Wallbanger is a very special book.

I originally stayed away from this book because I didn’t care for the title and didn’t think it was the type of book I’d like. But for some reason I started sluething amazon the other day and came across this. I must have read the blurb and loved it because the next thing I knew I was diving in.

Wait, that’s not how it happened. I saw an ad on facebook for a book that said it was “like Wallbanger” and I clicked on the ad, bought that book and then thought what the hell, let’s buy Wallbanger.

That first book turning out to be a horrible DNF.

But Wallbanger, oh Alice Clayton, I adore you woman. It’s just the right mix of enemies to lovers, funny pets, steamy sexual tension…just the right amount of build up and not second guessing the relationship every.step.of.the.way. I’m so over that crap.

I adored the two secondary relationships that needed remixing. And I loved, loved, loved Clive the Cat. Honestly, I can’t think of one thing I didn’t love about this book and that’s unusual in itself.

But here’s the best part of this book and why I’d recommend it to anyone and everyone.

It’s hilarious. I haven’t laughed out loud at a book in, well, maybe ever.

Wallbanger by Alice Clayton just might be my must read recommendation of 2014.

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