Photo bAl Butler from Pexels

Dear Writer,

There’s going to come a point in your writing journey where you’ll look around at your peers and feel anxious. Maybe even jealous. It might disguise itself with a ‘hey, I can do that!’

But then the fear and doubt will set in.

It’s okay.

Let it come. Meet that anxiety head on.

Remind yourself to never compare your beginning to someone else’s middle.

I had a moment of that today. Watching a sweet author share her goals on YouTube left me in 1) awe 2) envy 3) serious anxiety.

And then I remembered… She has a plan. She has goals and regimen. For several years, goal was not in my vocabulary. I was too busy with other things to focus on writing goals.

While I was painting my office, she was writing her butt off.

While I was shoveling umpteen tons of mulch, she was marketing her books.

Jumpstarting a career is almost harder than starting in the first place. You’ve seen the holy land so to speak. You know what’s possible.

Wherever you are in your journey, stay calm. Move forward. Don’t compare yourself to those who are tossing out big numbers. Compare your today with your yesterday. How’d you do? Did you take a step forward? Good. That’s what counts. Keep moving.

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