Have you been wondering where I’ve been?

How thoughtful of you!

Turns out I was going through a breakup…

With writing.

breaking up with writing

Nothing on the desk aka breaking up with writing

It’s funny the things we tell ourselves, isn’t it?

I’m busy with other things, I’ve got a lot on my plate, yada yada yada.”

I didn’t want to call it what it was because I didn’t want to be on a break. (#RossandRachelForever)

I wanted to write but life got in the way. But it wasn’t a break.

Around Christmas, I realized it was time to own it. I was on a break. So I told myself I was breaking up with writing. I was going to cool my jets for a few months and honestly recharge. I wasn’t going to feel guilty.

If anything I was going to give myself time and space to miss my passion. (That seems so weird!)

Reverse psychology works pretty well with me so I was optimistic.

So that’s where I’ve been. On a break.

I look forward to getting back together with writing in early April.

So that’s where I’ve been.

What are you up to?

Any big life changes? Kids? Moves? Marriages?

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