
I’ve started writing this post a half dozen times.

It’s my favorite time of day in one of my favorite times of year. The evening sun is dipping just low enough to streak across my keyboard (which, whoa, needs a cleaning BAD!) Seems like as good a time as any to check in with my favorite people.

If you got my newsletter yesterday (and if not, did you check your spam filter ;-0) you already know what’s been on my mind recently. Houses, death, winter blues.

Truthfully, I’m filling the well. I have SO much on my mind.

Just a snippet… three of my best buddies and I have accepted the challenge to read one non fiction book per month and discuss it together on skype. We’re three months in and it’s been illuminating. This month’s selection: The Year of Yes by Shonda Rhimes. Yeah. THAT Shonda Rhimes.


More on that tomorrow…

Till then, happy reading!


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